

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 54 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Growing up in a house without magic, finding out that I was a witch was very surprising to me. Upon receiving my letter my mom explained the magical world to me, seeing as that I was to attend Hogwarts in September. I'm a half-blood; my mom is a muggle-born, as well as the only one out of four sisters who had magical powers, while my dad is a pure-blood. In addition, my mom was sorted into Gryffindor, with my dad being from Slytherin. He, however, became a death eater soon after my parents got married, and needless to say it changed him. It ended with him getting himself locked in Azkaban when I was a child, however I was never told this until I turned 11 (my mom thought living without magic was best).
Throughout the sorting ceremony, it took a few minutes for the hat to place me considering I withhold extreme qualities from both the Gryffindor and Slytherin house. In the end I was ultimately placed in Gryffindor as well, seeing as I value boldness and bravery slightly more than ambition and resourcefulness.
When I went to Ollivanders, it took a few tries before I found my wand, which ended up being 11 3/4", slightly flexible, and made from willow wood with a phoenix feather core. With me I also brought a barn owl named Athena, who's feathers are a mixture of ivory white and golden caramel, with specks of black dotting the ends of the wings.

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