- Joined April 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 69 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
I'm a Half-Blood, secret heir of Slytherin. I was born in Phoenix Arizona, to a Muggle French Father, and a Pure-Blood Italian Mother but moved to London for my grandpa. On my 11th birthday I check the post and see that I have a letter from Hogwarts. My Mom was a Slytherin in her day and was expecting me to be a Slytherin, like my family, then I was put into Gryffindor, found out I was worthy to wield the sword and started the dueling club. I love chess and quidditch. I joined the quidditch team as a Chaser. I became best friends with a muggle born from Scotland, and became top of my class in Defense against the Dark Arts. Now I just kind of focus on my classes and my quidditch career and hope that I can become an auror like my grandpa.