
Your Character

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 29 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Sorting Hat chose Gryffindor, which was not a surprise. I could probably fit in any house, but my family was in Gryffindor. I was a hatstall with the Sorting Hall rambling on about family history and such. I am fascinated by DADA. I would be a good student if I didn't spend my time pranking and fooling around. I am a pureblood (blood traitor). My greatest strengths are defense, nonverbal spells, and quick thinking. My greatest weaknesses would be my ability to be distracted and sympathy. After I finish school, I will probably be an Auror, Ministry worker, or Healer. I love simple spells for everyday life. I love quidditch more than anything. I love to help others with magic and sometimes wish I could use it to help Muggles, although I know it would cause a world of hurt. I really want to learn how to use my magic and experience the world in its fullest potential. I want to live life to the greatest extent. You only have one life so live if without regrets. I have a Tawny Owl named Cosmo. I hatched him from an egg that I found when I was younger and he is mostly well-behaved. Mostly. I come from a large, crazy family. I am the only one with blonde hair and blue eyes. I've never felt as if I've completely belonged, but family is family. My siblings trained me to be extremely competitive. I make friends easily; however, you do not want to be my enemy. Other than that, I'm a simple girl. Two things to know about me: I never back down and I always win.

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