Orchid Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Ghost

Hi! My name is Orchid Hufflepuff, daughter of Helga Hufflepuff, and Hogwarts Ghost. You can find me in the library, with Helena, or in the Puff dorms.

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 36 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was a Hufflepuff student, a pureblooded daughter of Helga Hufflepuff. I came to school with Helena, who was a natural Ravenclaw. When Helena died by the Baron's hands, I felt sad. WHen the Baron died shortly after, I felt like he got what he deserved. I was super happy when Helena visited me (as a ghost of course) when I had free periods. But then came my Deathday. I was walking the halls like normal, when Salazar came up behind me. I was fimiliar with him, so I said hello. But he said something in Parseltounge (I can speak with all animals including snakes) and this cold feeling crept up my spine. I looked behind me and I blacked out. All I saw was a flash of yellow orbs. I don't know what happend, but the next day, I discoved that I was now a Ghost, and could now talk with Helena whenever I wanted! I eventually got my revenge on Salazer by basically being Peeves to only him.

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