Gordaina LaCroix


A bookish student and auror-to-be from Ravenclaw. Mum's a witch, dad's a muggle. Loves magic and books, also know loads about muggle-world!

  • Joined March 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hometown: Madison, Wisconsin

Description: Average tall height, brunette hair (usually dyed blonde), hazel eyes

House: Ravenclaw!

Wand: Cedar, Dragon Heartstring, 13 inches, hard and flexible

Pets: 3 cats (Mimi, Rosie, and Hunter)

Interest: Defense Against The Dark Arts, Charms, Magical Healing, and Quidditch

Friends: Milena Beauregard (can I borrow Odette again to send another letter?)

As a daughter of an American witch/auror and a very French muggle, I know both the magical and muggle world. Spent half of my childhood in mom's world, half in dad's world. Fluent in both English and French! It wasn't a surprise when I got my letter to Hogwarts, my mom went there before coming to the US! I am inspired by my Auror mom to become an Auror! But nothing set in stone yet!
My mom was sorted in Gryffindor so it was somewhat of an surprise when I was sorted in Ravenclaw. She said "Its probably all those books you read". Now I am in school, excited and met so many people! My bestie is now Milena Beauregard. Love being in the Scottish Highlands! Been spending lots of time outdoors doing homework, studying, and reading lots of books! Classes are super interesting and I have already read through all the textbooks (sorry, been reading all summer!) I am super vibing with Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students! I also frequently change my hair so you can either find me a brunette or a blondie!

So that is me! Tell me your life story!

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