

  • Joined March 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Hi! I'm Aqua a pureblood slytherin.

I am a pureblood slytherin, with my family all being in gryffindor, all of which hated the slytherin house in hogwarts due to it's 'evil' reputation.

My family weren't the happiest when I sent my owl to say where I was sorted, and I frankly was scared of what they would think, their only daughter breaking the gryffindor line, my older brothers were all gryffindors and I didn't think I would be sorted into the house which I had originally been told was 'evil'. They were not happy with the sorting, they completely isolated me and when I saw them, I was verbaly abused, with the ocassonal slap across the face, I knew that now I was a 'mistake' and a 'dissapointment' to the family, they sent a howler expressing their horror and discust with me now in slytherin. However thinking that the table would laugh at me with my shocking letter, they stayed silent, with the rest of the hall in tears of laughter, once reaching the slytherin common room, they all expressed how horrified they were with the howler, that was when I realised that they were kind to their own house.

Even though we had our little disagreements here and there, they were supportive, protective and helped us all out when we needed it. The older students all showed that they were there for us all when we need it, and that we can always have someone to rely on and to help when we need it, which was more that what I could have ever asked for. I made many friends within the house and we are always there for each other.

I am happy with where I was sorted and I will defend our house and everyone in our house when anything happens, we are misjudged and ostracised from the rest of the school so we stick our heads high and walk proudly through the hallways to show we are proud to be in our house.

My siblings took advantage of the lack of trust my family now had for me and used there new found power to get me into trouble when ever they please, this has often lead to me being grounded, hit, yelled at and having my things being taken away. Quite often during the holidays I will reside with my friends to avoid the conflict.

I have grown to enjoy all my subjects and take pride in my good grades, Potions and defence agaist the dark arts, I find the lessons very enjoyable and will try my very best when taking any test, although I may sound like a nerd and I do love to read, I will also find my time being kept up with pranking my friends and making everyone laugh, I also find myself often wondering the hogwarts grounds to find some space and be alone for a while, I find that mostly up in the Astronomy tower which is where if I am not around where I most likely will be, I ocasionally will find myself wondering around the black lake.

Although the common room resides in the cold dungeons the actual common room has a warm homely feeling, being able to see everything under the black lake is also great as we are able to see all the beautiful creatures which live under the cold waters, we also have named some of creatures which pass the windows.

As the years pass in hogwarts slytherin has been the best house I could have been sorted into, and I am happy that I didn't follow in my familys long line of gryffindors and stuck with how I am, eventhough my family think that the slytherins have changed me, which is just not true, they've helped me grow through thick and thin and each year it is hard to see them move on, however we will support them from below and hope they do well in their career's.

I feel as though that in some of our lessons the rest of the class is shocked when we answer, almost as though they feel as if we are dumb, or we're not paying attention because we are 'evil' and are planning out plans to harm another, which is rediculus if you ask me, the rest of the school judge before they know, just like the saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover' it's offensive to the whole of our house and we try to prove them wrong but some people are just too conviced by the rumors to see the truth, which is covered in black, the truth is a beautiful secret kept within all slytherins, it's a shame that no one sees behind these walls which are set too high.

With as much bad as there is comes into the common room we will rise high and overcome any obstical which comes our way, we will grow with every mistake we may make.

With everything which happens is covered up with laughs from the pranks and jokes caused within the common room, there is never a dull day within the school, I will never show any weakness to the other houses, they don't understand what they don't know and they'll never know the sight of true happiness and friendship within a large group of people who stand in the shadows, the sight of people standing up for each other, they'll never know how great the slytherin house is, they'll never know how greatfull we are to have each other by our sides to battle together and stay strong, they'll never know the support we give to all the students which walk through that painting, we rise and we stay strong. They'll never know how we are so ambitious, cunning, clever, resoursful, determination and our self-persiverance, which all comes from the bonds we share with everyone in our house.

We are a house which is incredible, and thankfull to be sorted into this house dispite our families disagreements, they don't know how happy we are with the sorting hats choice, we will be forever together and bound together by an inseperatable bond, which can not be torn by anyone who tries, this bond is strong and nothing can break a bond of friends which have come together like a family should.

Slytherin's will prove everyone wrong we and we're here to watch this happen, to watch the scene unfold, and watch them see they were wrong about us all. They'll find that all those who seemed invisible to everyone else we're shining as bright as the sun as they walked with us to their new home, they shine brightly with us as we prove not all slytherin's are bad, as we prove we are the good house in this sorting system, to prove ourselves to everyone around us, and we will not give up.

I'm a slytherin, and I am proud to be where I am now, I am proud to be wearing the emerald green tie around my neck, I am proud to be where I am now, I will fight for what I believe in and I will fight for my friends when they need help, they are not alone, and I know that I am not either, We will be determind and ambitious, we will be cunning and persistant to reach where we belong. At the top. And We will not give up.

But hey all psychopaths are considered to be great at what they do, so if that's so then we're all just psychopaths joined together to help each other right?

We look out for our own, you extras are just an obstical we need to pass to reach where we belong.

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