Dame Adair

Student/Montrose Magpies

Adair here, ever interested in fun new dueling hexes or just want to talk about the most recent Quidditch game, reach out!

  • Joined February 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 8 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Name: Dame Amour Adair
Age: 17 or 24 (depends on RP)
Height: 5'10"
Sex/Gender: Female and Identifies as Such
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Super Single

Nationality: French-Scottish

Family Heritage: Half-Blood

House: Ravenclaw

Birthday: September 7th

Patronus: Crane

Boggart: Crackling Large Fires

Amortentia: Raspberry, Citrus, and Fizzy Beer

+ Quidditch - Beater & Chaser
+ Defensive and Offensive Spells
° Excellent Duelist.
+ Some Wandless Magic

Born from a French witch and a Scottish wand-maker, Dame Adair had always been surrounded by magic. She is a half-blood, her mother being a muggle born. During her time at Hogwarts, she had played for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team for six of her seven years, always being congratulated on her expert flying and accomplished playing. She excelled in most of her classes, but really shone in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Herbology. Upon exiting Hogwarts, she had offers from several different teams, but had accepted the invitation from the Montrose Magpies and has a become a popular member of the team since she has joined.

As well as being a skilled athlete, Dame has shown herself as an extremely accomplished duelist, having attended competitions across the UK and has been named as one of the best in her age group.

In a school filled with such varying personalities and backgrounds, Dame is as close to a stereotypical jock as a person can get. She can be described as loud and in your face, but in the grand scheme of things, she's simply friendly in a time that she thinks she should be the friendliest she can possibly be. She likes hearing people talk about themselves and what they're interested in. She keeps all the information she learns categorized in her head after she learns it. She just wants to make sure that people feel included and happy to be themselves. No matter if a person is shy or brash, demure or rambunctious. She likes people in general. And she understands people well. She's all about her sport, wanting to ensure everyone knows that somehow she tricked the school into letting her on the Quidditch team.

When it comes to crushes, she's aloof and tends to avoid people she likes. And if for some reason she is stuck in a room with whatever person she is interested in, she tries to appear nonchalant and uninterested when in fact she is VERY interested. If she does somehow manage to snag a person's attention, she does all she can to show off. Look at me, Dame, incredible person with manners and is not sweating cause you smell good! and while it is a little strange, it is more endearing than anything else.

When it comes to actually getting on a broom, she's all business. She is an athlete, a master of her form. She can do stunts on brooms that some professionals can't do, and she does it with finesse and ease. She smiles and waves to her house whenever she gets the chance, but once it's go time, it's f***ing go-time! Get out of her way, she will throw that bat if you make her mad or have bad sports ethics.

When dueling, she becomes even more intense. She has studied every spell, curse, hex, and jinx she can get her hands on and still hungers for more. She has excellent form in her spellcasting and determination above all else to win. She has gotten seriously injured on more than one occasion.

Wand During School: Ten Inch, Red Oak, Dragon Heartstring

Wand After Hogwarts: Personalized wand, gifted to her from her father upon Dame's graduation from Hogwarts. Twelve inch red oak, Thunder Bird feather core. The fact that she can use this wand without temperamental side effects says how she is ahead of most witches and wizards in spellcasting.

Face Claim | Scarlett Simoniet

Name: Gabriel 'Gabe' Monto
Age: 17 or 23 (depends on RP)
Height: 6'1"
Sex/Gender: Male and Identifies as Such
Orientation: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Super Single

Nationality: British-Indian

Family Heritage: Half-Blood

House: Slytherin

Birthday: December 21st

Patronus: Luna Moth

Boggart: Large white mountain cat

Amortentia: Lemon, Black Pepper, and Peppermint

+ True Seer : Able to predict future events with the use of his inner eye. Whenever his gift is being used, his normal eyes go cloudy white.
+ Potions : Able to create difficult or dangerous potions without causing an explosion. Specializes in love potions.
+ Great salesmen. (He knows you want that love potion don't lie)

Gabe had been orphaned at a very young age, his parents victims of the first wizarding war and had been living with a Pure-blood family for his entire life. It was clear when he was a toddler that he had the gift of the Sight. He had always been having nightmares of horrible things to come or daydreams about people he ever met. Once revealed he was a seer, he became a very popular kid amongst the pure-blood families. He was always invited along to parties and events to impress guests with his abilities.

Upon entrance into Hogwarts, his quick-wit, intelligence, and cunning attitude, he was sorted into Slytherin, but don't let the House's history sway your ideals of the student that belongs to it. He gets along with just about everyone, whether it comes to heritage, income, blood, or houses, he doesn't really mind. He looks more for the character, not for the little details surrounding that person. In school, he always excelled during the more mystic side of magic, such as Divination, Astronomy, and Ghoul Studies, as well was excellent Potions Master.

After school, he turned down the multiple opportunities to work at the Department of Mysteries and instead sells potions at a store front in Diagon Alley.

When it comes to most things, Gabe approaches them with caution and asking a lot of questions as he goes. He usually likes most people he meets, but in life he's met a lot of people who have threatened to steal him or hurt him if he doesn't tell them their futures. He prefers his ring of friends small and sincere rather than large but vacant. He cares deeply when he finds people he trusts, and will do everything he can to protect those in his ring of friends.

He has a sparkling, almost con-artist like personality once he's prepared to let someone in. He sells potions he makes, either it's for pranks or cheating, he sells them. He's an intelligent salesman who works hard to understand people and what people want. Typically it's three things; Fortune, Love, and Power. And he's got a potion for each. He'll read tea leaves, palms, Crystal balls, and tarot cards for his fellow students for a single galleon each, and hos reading are always right. Which brings more and more people back. He always knew he wanted to have a store front and spent most of his time in school proving why he would make a profit if he had one.

When he's crushing on someone, he throws on the charm, and does his best to get their attention and affection. It seemed almost fake with how cheesy he was with his pick-up lines and come-ons. If he really REALLY likes someone, it takes the time to learn everything about them. To be next to them whenever he can.

He enjoys reading and sketching, likes to hang out with his fellow Slytherins, and attend his classes. He's hungry to learn more and more, mostly because he wishes to us to make money for himself in the future.

Wand During School: 12" Ebony Oak, Unicorn Hair

Face Claim | Vito Basso

Name: Blaine Ero
Age: 17 or 24 (depends on RP)
Height: 6'3"
Sex/Gender: Male and Identifies as Such
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Nationality: Irish

Family Heritage: Pure-Blood

House: Slytherin

Birthday: June 14th

Patronus: Can't Produce One

Boggart: A Mirror

Amortentia: Pine, Ginger, and Embers

+ Unbelievably Loyal. Once he's stuck, he's stuck like unremovable sticky gum.
+ Excellent in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Performing the dark arts. (Was able to perform a successful Fiendfyre spell in the vulture, at the age 15) and he is better with fire spells over anything else.

Born of a completely Irish Pure-blood family, Blaine was raised to have a distaste of muggleborn and half-bloods like one may have a distaste for insects. Once trained in magic, he would be a talented Death Eater. At least that was the plan. But his strict and subtlety abusive father had never accounted that his boy would encounter one if the oldest and most powerful magics of all time. And that magic was love.

During his years at Hogwarts, he met a woman that was half-blood and whose kindness had melted the years of training his father had instilled in him and opened his eyes to the natural power all witches and wizards had, no matter of blood. Had learned the hurt and destruction the Death Eaters had created and secretly began to learn how to defend instead of how to hurt. Needless to say, whenever he went home on summer during his fifth year, his father had something to say about it.

Upon arrival at his family's mansion, a fight broke out between him and the servants of his home, under his father's direction, they sought to destroy him. Despite the numbers, he was able to disengage them all by using defense spells, knocking all of them unconscious. Then the battle with his father left him scarred, both emotionally and physically. His father released a fierce Fiendfyre shaped as a dragon and in retaliation, Blaine released one as well. Better controlled and under Blaine's guidance, the Vulture rose and protected it's caster in an explosion of fire and screams from the conjured beasts. In the process of the fight, the Ero Manor began to catch fire, burning all around them. Eventually the Vulture overcame the Dragon and targeted his father next. Before he could stop it, a beam from the building fell and knocked into Blaine and burned the entire left side of his face, scorching his flesh and burning his eye. Blaine screamed in agony while his father was consumed in his own created flames.

The Ero Manor burned to the ground, Blaine only being saved by wizards long after the Manor was long gone in a pile of cinders and ashes on the ground. Blaine spent his summer in St. Mungos and only narrowly avoided spending his life in Azkaban when he was forced a truth potion down his throat by Ministry aurors. When his story matched what he had originally explained and after this he was only given a warning and forced to return back to Hogwarts. Scarred and heartbroken at the absence of his family.

After school, Blaine joined a group of dark witches and wizard led by one unknown powerful witch. Their singular goal: To punish the Death Eaters who had gotten away.

Before the incident, Blaine could have been described as a happy kid. Sure, his father had always had a heavy hand when dealing with him. But he was attractive and talented, what could he really do wrong?

After the incident, his fellow Slytherins tended to avoid him due to his fragile attitude, anger bubbling just below his surface, and self-confidence issues that left him typically avoiding face to face interactions with his classmates. He preferred a life of solitude unlike many of his fellow classmates and didn't actually get back out there to socialize well after the beginning of his seventh year. In his solitude, he began to study the Dark Arts, and an edge of sadism began to cut through his shy persona. He hates most pure-blood families, finding most of their children to be just bad as the parents.

When it comes to his trust, it is extremely hard to gain it. But once someone proves they deserve to be trusted, he will never leave their side. Has an easier time trusting muggle born and half-blood more than the pure-bloods.

Once an adult, he gained a sort of sadistic rise in confidence. He had grown to be a master of the dark arts and torture methods. And when he finds the Death Eaters, he takes no mercy.

Wand During School:
13", Silver Lime, Unicorn Hair.

Wand After School;
13", Silver Lime, Snallygaster Heartstring. This core from this creature is typically harder to master, known for it's naturally inquisitive creature the heartstring came from, but when Blaine is threatened, the wand gives a rumble and it will do all it can to protect it's capable owner. This wand was personalized for him, and presented as a gift from the wandmaker who made it for him.

Face Claim | Grant Gustin

Name: Daiki Nobuharu
Age: 19 or 26 (depends on RP)
Height: 6'0"
Sex/Gender: Mnale and Identifies as Such
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Family Heritage: Pure-Blood

School: Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Visits Hogwarts twice a year.

Birthday: February 12th

Patronus: Shiba Inu

Boggart: His sister dead

Amortentia: Strawberry, Lemon, and Sugar

+ Named the best duelist in Asian communities, knowing an extensive on Hexes, Curses, and Jinx
+ Seeker for the Mahoutokoro Quidditch Team.
+ Highly intelligent | Speaks 4 languages fluently

Born from the hated family of Nobuharu, Daiki and his sister had always been the ones expected to rid the family of the horrible reputation it had. They were given the best opportunities life could provide. Parents that worked themselves into a frenzy to make sure they lived in luxury. An amazing school with incredible teachers and professors. And then the room to grow into the persons they were meant to be.

Daiki had always been talented with spells and curses since the day he entered the school. His dueling abilities became obvious after that. He has spent years studying and under tutoring to become the best in his region. He was considered popular among his peers, though it was obvious that he didn't care much about that either. He cared more about school and his sport more than people and clearing his families name.

After school, he joined a group of dark witches and wizards that targeted next Death Eaters that got away with punishment for their crimes.


Wand During School:
12" Pine, Phoenix Feather

Wand After School;
Awarded Wand | 12" White Ash, Rougarou Hair. This wand was granted to him after winning it in a duel.

Face Claim | Sakaguchi Kentarô

Name: Ainu Nobuharu
Age: 17 or 24 (depends on RP)
Height: 5'4"
Sex/Gender: Female and Identifies as Such
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Family Heritage: Pure-Blood

School: Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Visits Hogwarts twice a year.

Birthday: March 6th

Patronus: Hairless Sphinx Cat

Boggart: Her brother dead

Amortentia: Warm soup, spicy beef, and hot tea.

+ Named the second best duelist in Asian communities, knowing an extensive on Hexes, Curses, and Jinx
+ Always happy, always light and warm when people need her.
+ Highly intelligent | Speaks 4 languages fluently

Born from the hated family of Nobuharu, Ainu and her brother had always been the ones expected to rid the family of the horrible reputation it had. They were given the best opportunities life could provide. Parents that worked themselves into a frenzy to make sure they lived in luxury. An amazing school with incredible teachers and professors. And then the room to grow into the persons they were meant to be.

Ainu always had been the light of the family, bright and warm in the face of danger and fear. She never cared much for titles in school and only cared about the connection that she got to make with new friends. However to please her parents, she competed in dueling just like her brother did. Her natural intelligence allowed her to always take second to her sibling. She spends most of her time learning healing spells.

In the future she becomes an auror for the Japanese Ministry of Defense.


Wand During School:
9" Birch, Phoenix Feather

Face Claim | Nana Komatsu
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