Victoria Báthory


  • Joined January 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I was born into a wealthy, elite, most likely inbred pureblood family that isn't part of the sacred twenty-eight because my grandparents were the first in our family to move to the UK. Our ancestors lived in Hungary. My parents are only somewhat blood supremacist: they don't mind being around people of a lower blood status, but they would be opposed to, say, me or one of my siblings marrying one.
I have two older siblings. My brother Marcus is five years my elder, and my sister Diana is three years older than me. They both attended Durmstrang. My father wanted me to go, too, but my mother claimed the right to having at least one of her children close to home.
My first accidental magic was when I was six and fell off a rock I was climbing into the sea. A wave rose up, moving against the current, and washed me back to shore.
My mother is a Black; the illegitimate daughter of Regulus Black and Alecto Carrow, mainly raised by Rodolphus Lestrange, who was good friends with both parents and took care of their daughter after Regulus' death and Alecto's imprisonment. When Rodolphus was imprisoned, she was mainly on her own. She got a Hogwarts letter, but was unable to attend, being almost constantly ill or homeless. Rodolphus came and found her after the Azkaban breakout and they were reunited. She has memories of a woman with dark hair avoiding her at all costs; Bellatrix Lestrange did not like children at all.
My father's family, the Báthory line, has been a respected and feared name in wizarding Hungary for centuries: Ever since Elizabeth Báthory, known by muggles as the Blood Countess, who brutally murdered an alleged 650 young, muggle servant girls in her lifetime before being caught. She was thought by many to have been a vampire due to her fascination with the blood of her victims, but that's only a legend.
My father(Auster Báthory) and my mother (Juno Black) met after the second wizarding war, fell in love, and were married within six months, having their first child two years later.
Note: I look quite different from my parents and siblings because I have albinism.
Skin: unnaturally pale
Hair: white
Eyes: dark hazel
Height: 5'0"(at fifteen)
-Chaotic neutral
-a bit goth

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