I hope to be far more different than anyone you’ve ever met. People can change what they want you to be, but only you can control who you really are.
- Joined December 2019
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
Power Hungry.
We are what society has made us.
We listen to every word society speaks to us.
They craft us and make us what they want.
Everyone is the product of others.
Is there a possibility to be different?
Choose your path, not what others make you.
Be the different one.
The one that doesn’t abide by the rules of others.
The one that builds their own path.
The one that frees the others from the bondage of the world.
Freedom isn’t given.
It’s taken.
Oliver “Oil” Ren Morris
Age: 15
(95 to be exact)
Height: 5’9
Species: Vampire-Veela Hybrid
Blood Status: Pureblood
Gender: Male (FTM)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Single
Amortentia: Blood
Mirror of Erised:
My human-self that I can never be again
Patronus: Doe
Animagus: Stag
Veela Hair, Rose Wood, Unyielding, 10 3/4 in.
My life before who I am today is...
A bit fuzzy.
I don’t remember my parents, they’re long dead by now. I remember having a little sister. I remember that I accidentally killed her after I became a vampire.
It destroyed me.
I’d lost everything I ever loved. I can’t remember them that well anymore, so it doesn’t hurt as much.
You see, I almost died. I was hit by a car when I was fifteen. Well, I’m still fifteen. I’m trapped as a fifteen your old, slowly aging until I’m somewhere along the lines of eighteen or twenty. Then I’ll stop aging. For eternity.
And like that, my life has continued moving. I haven’t aged much. I can’t go into any bars even though I’m well over age. You can imagine the annoyance of it. I can’t drive because “I’m too young” and I don’t have parents. So yeah. I’m stuck biking and running everywhere which can be a bit annoying when you’re late to work. Which reminds me, it’s a massive pain in the ass trying to find work. Gods, and schooling. I have to keep moving around and doing the same curriculum over and over again. Don’t you think you’d get bored?
Well, I did.
Which landed me at Hogwarts.
Pretty soon I’ll be going to other wizarding schools since I have all the time in the world.
That I don’t want.
I wish that car killed me to be honest.
It wasn’t that bad. The cars back them were horrible and couldn’t do much, but it hurt like hell.
But it doesn’t matter. The past is in the past. It’s about time I leave it there.