Mako Hayvlu


I'm Prideful, I won't waste time with disrespectful people, or people who talk down to me. I'm Slytherin, I'm not evil. I just need someone.

  • Joined November 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 35 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I'm a muggle-born Slytherin. Born 2003, April 27.

I prefer to be at Hogwarts. When I'm home I'm treated like some... Monster. After all, deeply religious parents with only one kid (Me) doesn't end well.
Enough about home. More about me;
~I like drawing, and free-writing.
~Music to the soul~ I love the bands "My Friend The Chocolate Cake", "Avicii", yadda yadda.
~Black-red hair, Brown-black eyes, light tan and curly do.
~ male.
~Forests, flannels, paper and books! Tea in PM, Coffee in AM.
~Single (Sadly). Gay.
~No social media (Seriously! Unless this website is)

(Out of character)
Ok, I'm Basically Mako. BUT, I'm female who wishes to be male (and I'm into guys). My parents, yet religious, are not bad! and I'm NOT a single child! Mako's are ~For plot~. But other then those few? yea, I am Mako.

Plans for future;
Travel, and van-life. Writing and online jobs. Gonna get a dog one day. It'll be great.

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