Raveline Tris, Slytherin, Half Muggle, American transfer, Can't wait to make new friends and find adventures
- Joined October 2019
- Member of Slytherin
- 70 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: Raveline Omega TrisAge: 13
House: Slytherin First Year (Supposed to be a Gryffindor)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance Dark chocolate brown eyes and long black, wavy hair,
usually tied up in a ponytail. Pale skin with rosy cheeks:
Birthday: December 31st
Personality: Brave, puts other people first, Smart, Caring,
Pesimist, bit of a trickster, Always tries to be happy
Abilities: Advance in self-defense and offense charms and potions. Born with the gift of being able to control the elements: Water, Earth, Wind, and Fire.
Random Fact: She was expelled from Ilvernmorny three months in and transferred to Hogwarts in early November
Name: Samael
Age: 19
House: None (Would be a Slytherin)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknow
Appearance: Emerald green eyes and short blond, straight hair. Tan skin
but still Caucasian, deep set cheeks and a semi-sharp jawline.
Birthday: Oct 3rd
Personality: Blunt, easily frustrated, well-educated, self-blaming
Abilities: Mostly unknow, he can strengthen magic and can sense people stats (pulse, breathing, state of injury)
Random fact: Used to be part of Satanist cult