Cassandra Springwater


  • Joined October 2019
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 28 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Cassandra was just a normal girl living in Canada when she first discovered her magic. She is a halfblood on her moms side but after they found out her older sister was a squib they thought she might end up just like her. She was excited to hear that she was going to magic school.

During this time her mother and father broke up due to his addictions. Cassandra tried to keep in contact with him but stopped because her never returned the effort.

Cassandra and her sister never got along. After their parents broke up her sisters bullying got worse. Cassandra tried to tell her mother but her mother never punished her and always had an excuse for her eldest daughters actions. Feeling alone, Cassandra started writing to her grandmother in Britain. She suggested moving in with her and going to hogwarts when school started. With some convincing she managed to get her mother to agree.

Cassandra is shy and has low self esteem. She is quiet, but will stand up for what she believes is right. She loves her family and is a very loyal person. Cassandra is kind and loves to help others.She has an interest in quidditch and wants to be a beater, but is afraid that she is not the athletic type and would bring down the team. She collects chocolate frog cards and loves to compare collections.

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