- Joined October 2019
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 35 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
I am the first known witch in my family bloodline. I started showing signs of magic at age 8, but my parents were quick to dismiss it. When I got my letter to Hogwarts, both my parents were very surprised. Thankfully, the headmistress came by a few days later to fully explain everything to my parents and, in turn, me. When I came to Hogwarts, I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I was a slight hatstall, as I was very closely tied between Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. As the time in sorting went on, It was narrowed down to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, eventually leading to my sorting into Ravenclaw. I still kept close ties with both houses, however, I mainly interact with Hufflepuffs. I excel at Charms, Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy, and enjoy them a lot. I am good at transfiguration and herbology, but they are not classes I particularly enjoy. I am not so great in Defence against the dark arts, Divination and History of Magic. My blood status has lead me to be partially ignored by the wizarding community, however, I remain close with those who do not discriminate based on blood status. I learned how to become an animagus over my time at Hogwarts, and became a registered Black cat animagus during my 6th year. My greatest strengths are creativity and working with animals. My greatest weaknesses and fears are that I am easily pushed around, I am academically challenged in areas of which I do not enjoy, and I am in constant fear of abandonment. I am hoping on becoming either a magic-assisted artist or professor when I graduate, however, I am not expecting that either will come easily. To me, the most fascinating aspect of magic is the expression of emotion through particular charms. I want to help others to the furthest ability of which I can. I really want those around me to be happy, though at some times this is to the expense of my mental, physical or emotional health. I have one pet, Thunder the Nebelung Cat. She is generally calm, though can become very energetic based on circumstance, like being provoked or chasing a smaller animal. My Mother's side of the family has the tradition of giving a crystal or gemstone middle name to their children. My Paternal Grandparents are quite strict, With Emma Fenton previously being a Businesswoman, and Laurence Fenton being a show gardener. My Maternal Grandparents are very laid back, with Terra Ruby Griffith being an artist and Peter Griffith being a comedian. Both sides of my family try to find a middle ground, but the differences cause my parents, Mary Pearl Fenton and Andrew Fenton, to be the only bridge between them at any gatherings.