Ash Crawford


  • Joined October 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 89 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I am a pureblood in Slytherin. It had taken a while for the Sorting Hat to sort me but put me in Slytherin due to my cunning intelligence and lofty ambitions. I came from a pureblood family who has been connected to many houses. I own a cat named Invoka who is extremely lazy and pure black with one eye being blue and the other grey. She normally just stays in the dorms but due to her magical qualities she can be sent out to gather information. I also own a five and a half feet long and half a foot wide African dragon named Atemu. I named him that because I found him abandoned in Egypt. He has green and blue scales with red eyes and likes to wind around the shoulder and arms of people he knows, usually Slytherins, but also takes to the pipes in the walls or in front of the fire in the Slytherin common room. My favorite classes right now is Potions and Astronomy. I am surprisingly good at wand-less and nonverbal magic. Due to my family and house I have many vast connections through the influential Slytherin families and the Ministry. Fortunately, I was in Egypt studying the ruins and hieroglyphics when Voldemort attacked. For my career I either want to be a wand maker, a dragon tamer, or someone who specializes in ancient magic. I’m already extremely influential and I have three older siblings who can take to title of heir so I don’t need to worry about that. For me the most fascinating part of magic is the raw magic often utilized is ancient magic, magical creatures, and wand cores. I usually only use magic to help satisfy my curiosity and achieve my own interests but that doesn’t mean I won’t help someone in need. I have an older brother and sister and we all love hanging around together especially when it revolves around a common interest. My family is closely nit but only my immediate family. My entire family is very large and we have work together often but my family and I don’t like the way they act. I have a younger sister by one year named Mariam who also goes to Hogwarts with me. One of my older sisters, Aria, is a dragon tamer and helps me study dragons close up. My other older sister is a magical creature specialist and both my older brother and parents have high positions in the Ministry. Unlike most pureblood families mine has a healthy respect for muggles and what they teach so along with learning magic my family was also taught the muggle way and went to school for years. Due to this I am more observant than my peers; I care little for blood status, in fact my best friend is a half-blood; and all of us have developed our own Muggle hobby. For example my dad has a bachelors degree in chemical engineering. One more thing about me is that I make frequent visits to Egypt where I study curses, dragons, and the ancient form of magic they used.

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