- Joined October 2019
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 15 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
|Rp|I don't really have anything I have problems with!
Name - Red Tobin
Nationality - Ireland
Age - 16 (Also depends on the Rp)
Abilities - Can speak with creatures
Wand - Rowan wood with a dragon heartstring core, 9 ½" and quite bendy flexibility
Height - 4'10
Sexuality - Bisexual
Birthday - December 19th (Sagittarius)
Parents - Deceased
Work - Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop Waitress
Appearance - Short red curly hair, green emerald eyes with freckles. When out of her uniform, she's in a flannel and combat boots. She has snake tattoos around her upper arms, and one around her right hands pointer finger. She is pale from the lack of going outside, in the sun at least.
Personality - She is kind and caring when it comes to people she knows, though she does show in small ways that she cares for strangers. It's hard for her to do due to her shy front with new people. Once you get to know her she has... "dirty hummer". She has a soft spot for animals of all shapes and sizes, all she knows is they need cuddles.
Blood - Full (?)
House - Hufflepuff
Patronus - Stoat Stoat
Fears - Myrmecophobia (Fear of Ants)