• constantine johnson •


  • Joined September 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Japan


By birth I was given the name Constantine Johnson, but you may call me CJ. I’d rather not be called something other then Constantine or CJ, shit gets too confusing.

To prove my expert counting abilities and patience, I’m 16. My birthday is the 1st of April, most commonly known as April Fools day. My life is a literal joke.

The sorting hat spared no time choosing my house and it’s not wrong. I enjoy being in Slytherin, I’m almost famous. Professors following me everywhere, other students making way when I walk through the halls, being asked if I’m okay when I stare at something for too long. I’m living the life.

In regards to my family, I come from a long line of assholes. My parents a prime example. I have several siblings, they love being a pain in my ass. As the pure blooded family we are, most of my family despises mixed blood. Trust me when I say, my family “breed” power.

My intention with almost this whole backstory is inform you with my life, personality, upbringing and constant use of sarcasm.

{In all seriousness, this character is purely rp and for fun.

Yes, I’ve had an earlier account on Hogwarts is Here.

No, it is not who you’re thinking of.

I do not intend to form any serious relationships, unless I truly bond with someone but even then I will inform them with my intentions.

Toodle loo.}

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