Ambrose Postlethwaite


Artist wizard, hatstall because the Sorting Hat wavered between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Currently busy trying to magically create new colors.

  • Joined August 2019
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • France


Age: 23
Gender : He
Blood Status : Muggle-born
Wand :
House : Hufflepuff
Patronus : Runespoor
Boggart : Seeing his loved ones sad
Amortentia : The smell of his girlfriend, vanilla and wood burning
Pet : Barn Owl (Amie)
Looks : Black slightly wavy hair, grey eyes, tall and slim

I may be retaking courses at Hogwarts for personal reasons, but I have already spent twelve years studying magic and wizardry in order to create works of art : gold fire which change into a new form whenever the moon shines upon it, paintings whose painted light seem real and warm, a sculpture which appears only when you look at it from the side, or even a painting made of butterflies wings which change shape and color depending of who is looking at it...
As you can see, I'm always searching for new ways to express magic and art together. That's what an artimago does.

Of course, I had to get my license before I could get funding for my works, but that was more a formality than anything.

I’m currently working on a new work in Italy involving the creation of new colors, but I occasionally apparate home to see my family. I say occasionally and I regret it because I would love to see them more often. Nevertheless, I continue to uncover old spells and create new ones in the name of art.

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