Yasuma Sakaki


Yasuma Sakaki•Male•Pansexual•Single•Muggleborn•Animagus Thestral

  • Joined July 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


[Rp Persona]
My name Is Yasuma Sakaki. You might recognise it. You might not. In the end, it’s all the same, isn’t it? I come from a family of muggles, albeit famous muggles, but muggles nonetheless. Being a muggleborn Slytherin? Well, it sucks, to say the least. But it’s no worse treatment than I used to get at home when my parents realised that I wasn’t ‘normal’. I’ve never been normal. Strange things happen around me, not things that can simply be explained away by magic, or whatever they call this shit nowerdays. Paranormal stuff, things outside of the norm that no-one would ever understand if they didn’t see it for themselves. Anyway, that aside, I’m pretty much your average student, I guess? I’m pansexual, single (cause who would want to date this disaster?), and a cisgender male. I guess that’s it? Uh- bye, I guess?

[Me irl]
I’m Alex, and I come from England. Yes, I do have an accent. No, I do not drink tea. (Yes, that is legit what people ask me when I tell them I’m English online.). I’m transgender ftm because yay gender dysphoria (I’m trying to transition, but it’s difficult cause my parents are transphobic so I do look female, which just makes me feel terrible.), pansexual, and 100% single because yay no one wants to date someone that looks like I do. I’m an anime fan, notice the emphasis on fan, I’m a fan, perhaps an otaku, but I’m not a weeb. I’m not obsessively into Japanese culture like some of my friends. My favourite anime is Mob Psycho 100 (for reasons I really cannot explain), and I’m into the psychological horror genre (which is nothing to do with Mob Psycho. What can I say? It’s just a damn fucking great anime.) I have diagnosed depression and social anxiety, unlike the self-diagnosed emotional of the internet, but no, let’s not talk about that cause who actually wants to know in all honesty? I’m hoping to find some people on here who I can be friends with, since I’m pretty short of those in real life. I might even find love (but that’s highly unlikely). See you.

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