I have a sad past, but I don’t let it break me. I try to fight on, even when the anxiety hits and my depression leaves me trapped in bed.
- Joined July 2019
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
Korea, Republic Of
My name is Min-jun and I’m 17 years old (16 in America). I’m from Seoul, South Korea and I grew up in a wealthy pure blood family. I went to Mahoutokoro for the my first and second years of my schooling. Just before my third year, my parents decided to move so I Up and went with them. We moved to London and I started attending Hogwarts in my third year.
My father works for the Ministry as the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and is Chief Auror. My mother works as a Journalist for the Daily Prophet.
Ko Min-jun
Age: 17 (16 in America)
Height: 5’8
Species: Veela
Blood: Pureblood
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
When I finally came out as gay to my parents, do to our culture, they weren’t the most accepting at first. It took them a bit, but they opened up and accepted me for who I am. It was one of the greatest days of my life.
<iframe width="60" height="120" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/38k5zr1e0HI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Animagus: Black Bear
Patronus: Doe
Black Berries, Wild Flowers, Lemons
(my deceased little sister)
Mirror of Erised:
My deceased little sister standing next to me, holding my hand
My little sister, Ji-ae, was five when she died. I was playing with her one night on the lawn and she ran out into the street. I saw the car coming and I tried running to save her but.... I was to late. A drunk driver was driving down the street and hit her that night. He was arrested of course. I blame myself for the death of Ji-ae. I miss her dearly. She was the light of my world, my precious angel. When she was born, I promised my mother and father that I’d protect her. I failed them that night. It should’ve been me that got hit by that car. I hadn’t felt more ashamed of myself. I’ve tried my best to move on from that night. Her cold, motionless body still haunts my nightmares. Rest In Peace, Ji-ae. I love you so very much and I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.
My patronus is a doe because of Ji-ae. I gave her the nickname Doe when I was young. When we used to visit my grandparents, we would run out into their large gardens and she would dance through the flowers, the breeze causing her grey hair to fly in front of her silver eyes. She was my Doe. She was kind and warm hearted. She wouldn’t hurt a fly and woke me up with a hug every morning. She used to sing beautiful songs and she loved dancing with me when she got bored.
<iframe width="60" height="120" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/384_y4CS9hI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It’s been a few years since she died. I take care of my mother between my years at Hogwarts. My father works a lot to cope with the loss of Ji-ae, but always makes time for his family. I make sure to hug them extra tight, just like Ji-ae used to. I wear a silver locket she used to wear around my neck. I never take it off as it keeps her close. I do my best to make my parents proud. If I could go back to that night, I’d save Ji-ae. I would’ve gotten hit and she would’ve grown up knowing her brother saved her life. She would’ve grown up knowing I was her hero and that I would always protect her, even if I was gone.
Anyways... sorry. It’s just tough not having her here. Feel free to owl me or post a starter on my wall if you want to RP. I’ll usually respond if you give me some time. I hope to meet new people.
Annyeonghi kaseyo!