Alina Serene

First-Year Student

I'm a playful, friendly member of Hufflepuff! I'm invested in studying potions, but am also know to be a house prankster with the help of my ferret R.

  • Joined June 2019
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 20 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Wow, I made it into Hogwarts! My father always told me stories of his magical studies at the place where lifelong memories were made. The excitement of meeting friends and working with magic is coursing through my veins! I'm definitely looking forward to Potions class, all the different combinations and effects are limitless to the imagination, but I've heard the teacher Is a bit... strict. I won't let them stop me from exploiting my interest though! Dad always told me that mother was something called a scientist for the muggle world, doing something related to how the magic world does potions, and I guess I'm kind of inspired to try something that my mother, in a way, did. Anyways, my father isn't one to support one of my favorite pastimes, but I absolutley love pulling pranks on unexpecting victims. The use of magic will help with aiding in my mischievous desires, but I also hope to use it for good! Hearing of the disappearance of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has encouraged me to spread my giddy happiness to others and hopefully there will be others at this school that feel the same! I dont want being a half-blood to be something that people identify me as, because I'm much more than that. I miss my mother very much, and I need to prove to her, and my hopeful father, that I am worthy of being accepted here. Getting sorted into Hufflepuff is something that I'm proud of too! Though the Sorting Hat took some time with me, telling me that I am quite the confident and brave character, he saw my friendly and open nature as something to be rewarded. Oh, also, my new ferret is adorable! Riis just seems to understand my excitement and she has even shown an interest in my playful deeds to the other students. I think we're the perfect match. Welp, tomorrow is a new day, and that day will be full of learning and fun for a new first year like me!

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