Monique Lodge

Ravenclaw Student

At least they have coffee here at Hogwarts. Study sessions don't feel as long at that point.

  • Joined June 2019
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 54 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Some Simple Facts About Me -

Full-Name: Monique Genevieve Lodge
Hair Length & Colour: Very Long & Very Black
Eye Colour: Hazel - Gold
Height: 5’0
Birthdate & Astrological Sign: June 20 / Gemini
Blood-Type: Half-Blood
Patronous: Crow
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Sycamore Wood, Phoenix Core Feather, 12 3/4 inches, Unyielding.
Club(s): Charms Club, Ravenclaw Quidditch Team (Chaser // #15)

Immediate Family Members:
>Logan Lodge (Twin Brother • Current Slytherin),
>Jessica Viper-Lodge (Mother • Previous Ravenclaw • Pureblood • Ministry of Magic: International Magical Office of Law),
>Dereck Lodge (Father Not Currently in our life • Previous Slytherin • Muggle-Born • Job Unknown).

My name is Monique Lodge and I was sorted into Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat took a few minutes then finally decided to put me in this house due to my intellect and astonishing rule following behaviour, of course there was more, but I rather not write this forever. Here at Hogwarts my favourite class is Charms and my least favourite is Defence Against The Dark Arts.

I was raised with knowledge of magic due to my mother being a Pureblood that had been also sorted into Ravenclaw, and according to her, my father was Muggle-Born sorted into Slytherin, which makes both my twin brother and I, half-bloods. My twin brother is named Logan, and he was sorted into Slytherin. He can be a pain, but sometimes we think the same things at the exact same time or feel certain emotions. My mother loved both Logan and I, but she was not around as much, due to her working for the Ministry Of Magic, in a way she forgot about us and we had to care for eachother. Out of this, I've learnt so much about how important family is.

I remember being very young during the time that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, and it was quite terrifying. Logan and I held on tight to each other as we were travelling with our cousins in the UK.

After I finish school, I would love to become a professor or simply just work here at Hogwarts. I would love to either be a Charms professor or the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team coach.
I absolutely love Quidditch, I've studied it and I am currently a Chaser for the Ravenclaw team (look for #15 on the field!)

I guess the last thing about me is my sweet little cat, Moondust. She's beautiful and has shimmering white fur. She helps me through tough times and accompanied me here as well. She can be hyper at times but it’s okay because sometimes I need to stop studying and being bored, and play around with her.

Uh well, that's it that's all for now folks.
Thanks for listening, and keep on studying hard.

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