Katy King


  • Joined June 2019
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


What Hogwarts House were you sorted into, and why did the Sorting Hat make that selection? Katy King is the first in her family of Gryffindor siblings to be sorted into Ravenclaw, but that is because she has a huge kind heart and very whimsical.
Were you a hatstall (where it took the Sorting Hat a long time to decide) or was the decision immediate? While Katy wanted to be with her older brother and twin Eames, the hat knew it was the time that Katy King became her own person and she would thrive in Ravenclaw.
What classes do (or did) you like the most? Katy King loved Astronomy very much, as well as, Potions, Charms and Transfiguration.
Which did you like the least? Defense Against The Dark Arts, was very hard on Katy, as was Arithmancy.
Any classes you did well in but didn’t particularly enjoy? Katy did really well in Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures as well Divination
Are you a muggleborn, a half-blood or pureblood? Katy is a half-blood coming from a mother who was squib, all her siblings are wizards.
How has your blood status affected your life in the Wizarding World? Katy grew up in the Muggle world as her mother meet her father in a London apothecary, he knew of her families history of magic and their long line of marrying none-magical folks she was the first squib in her family, so they thought their kids would be to.
If you were in the UK during either time He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, what was that like? It was very hard for her when she came to because her family was weary of Voldermort and the damage he has caused. One of their Uncles was killed in the Wizarding War and its left a great impact on her family.
What is your greatest strength? Katy easily makes friends and loves to be that friend you can go to.
More importantly, what is your greatest weakness? Katy trust way to easily.
What are you looking to do after you finish school? Katy would love to be a fashion designer, teacher/writer.
What do you feel is the most fascinating aspect of magic? That it can be both beautiful and yet dangerous at the same time.
Do you want to use magic to help others, or to further your own ends? Kath would like to do both, further herself and help others in life.
If you are being honest with yourself, what do you really want? Kath wishes to find acceptance for who she is and to be happy and loved.
Do you have any pets? Katy has a dog
What’s their name, and how do they act? Arabella, she is a very tamed goldendoodle, also willing to go for a walk to willing to give Katy a cuddle.
Is there anything interesting about your family? Any oddities or disagreements? Katy’s family owns an Apothecary where in the back her Aunt Saoirse runs a wizarding Appthacary.

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