Cassiopeia McGuigan


  • Joined June 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


Well, after I got my Hogwarts letter and went to Hogwarts, I sorted into Gryffindor House. And we all know how sorting hat sorted student into their houses. Courage, Bravery and boldness were shown in me the most that why I have sorted as a Gryffindor. But the interesting thing was the sorting hat took a long time to sort me into my house. Probably because I have shown all the qualities of all the houses. Anyway, let's move on to classes. DADA was my favourite class among all. I loved and enjoyed most of the classes but Potion was something I do well but never enjoyed. Being a pureblood and a descendant of the Great Lion, The great Godric Gryffindor. Some student always wants to be friend with me just for the fame I got because of my family name. But I got lucky to found my true best friends. Both my greatest strength and my weakness were my friends and family. I always dreamed of becoming a great Auror just like my father. And after my graduation, I will follow my dream and become an Auror. Some people think magic is an easy way to achieve what they want but for me its something to help people and protect our loved ones. If I being totally honest with myself, I would rather help others with my magic then fulfilling greedy wishes. I have talked about everything but not about my pet. I have a barn owl. She is the most loyal, caring, sweet and adventurous owl. Her name is Holy and her nature is so pure that your heart will melt at the first glace of her. Having a barn owl was also a mark of being a McGuigan. In my family, each and everyone alway owned a barn owl. It was an interesting thing my family had. Being a high-class pureblood family was never easy. We always got in a disagreement with other pureblood families when it comes to equality. We McGuigans believes each and everyone deserves the same respect and rights. But other pureblood families never agree with us.

Books Authored by Cassiopeia McGuigan

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