“As in everything, nature is the best instructor.”
- Joined May 2019
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
Clouδ-maiδεns that float on forεvεr,Dεw-sprinklεd, flεεt boδiεs, and fair,

Lεt vs risε from our Sirε's lovδ rivεr,
Grεat Θcεan, anδ soar throvgh thε air

To thε pεaks of thε pinε-covεrεδ movntains whεrε thε pinεs hang as trεsseδ of hair.
Lεt vs sεεk thε watch towεrs unδavnteδ,

Whεrε thε wεll-watεrεδ cornfiεlδs abovnδ,
Δnδ throvgh mvrmvrs of rivεrs nymph-havnted,

Thε songs of thε sεa-wavεs rεsovnδ;
Δnδ thε sun in thε sky nεvεr wεariεs of sprεaδing his raδiancε arovnδ.
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