- Joined May 2019
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

scars: 19 on arms, 9 on hands, 4 on knees
causes: tba burns: entire back & neck
causes: [x]
piercings: ear lobes

English is her native language, but she also speaks Spanish semi-fluently, courtesy of her close friendship with Thomas Llamas, as his moms were both from Mexico. Her accent is American and distinctly not Southern, New Yorker, Bostonian, Californian, or Floridian.

skills: piano, guitar, cello, music theory, martial arts hobbies: not doing homework, skateboarding
medical: vegan, sleep insomnia, ADHD inspo: Elio Perlman, Haymitch Abernathy