Spring Loving

Gryffindor Student

Welcome to my humble corner of the Internet! Grab a book & coffee and relax by reading my not-so-amazing profile. Hehe!

  • Joined April 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I ran down the stairs of my beloved childhood home eager to get the mail for my muggle parents. I reached between the bottom corner of the door to get the mail that the mailman dropped off for this Sunday afternoon. Searching through the amount of bills and envelopes, I find a specific letter addressed to me. I awed in curiosity and ripped the envelope immediately in hopes in finding a holiday card. Instead I found a Hogwarts letter stating that I was in fact a witch. I stared at the envelope. What does this mean? Is this some kind of sick joke? I thought as I walked up to the coffee table my parents were relaxing by and dropped the thick envelope on the table with a thud. I decided to ask my parents for advice on this situation - I was only a 11 years of age at the time when I got my school letter. They nodded their heads, and asked for me to sit down on the soft couch beside them.

I scanned my eyes at the Hogwarts Express ticket that I received earlier in the morning. I'm actually going to a school full of magic. I can't wait for the experience to begin! In anticipation I bought as many books as I could carry in my luggage. As well as a tiny snowy owl called Nibbles. Who could pass up a opportunity to get a beloved pet of their own?

I sat in the comfy seats of the Hogwarts Express, eager to see the castle. I sighed and took out one of the most interesting books I've bought at Diagon Alley. I've read this many of times and there was always one topic that stuck out to me. Harry Potter, the supposedly "Chosen One" had went up against the darkest of wizards, Voldemort, 11 years ago. I've seen his name mentioned in my books, that I immediately got interested in this mysterious boy. And better yet, he is the same age as I am. Which means I will be able to speak to him privately! The carriage door opened. I glanced up from my book to see the same boy that was on the page in my book, the Harry Potter had just entered my carriage.

Books Authored by Spring Loving

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