[No Name]

Young Student

  • Joined February 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Young Student) On the day when I got my Hogwarts letter, my parents thought it was somekind of joke! The kids at school were always messing with me one way or another. My Mother and Father began to look into it. They found nothing about Hogwarts anywhere. Until my father started asking a strange man who he thought he heard mention the name. That man happened to be Proffeser Flitwick who replied by saying It is I is indeed real! For I am a teacher at the place! How does a muggle like you come to hear about it?
After that, my parents were throughly convinced. They dropped me off at the platform and I was befuddled! Eventually we bumped into a nice family with an owl who helped me onto the train. When I was about to get on my parents suprised me with an owl! And a beautiful one at that! Feathers as soft as fluf, and a beak as pointed as a hat, and eyes as intelligent as a well, a wizard!
When I arrived I was very nervous. A test is what the wizard born children said. Someone said something about slaying a vampire while defending yourself from jinxes! But in the end, it was the Sorting Hat! It was a relief! I was sorted into Gryffindor and am excited to see what the year shall bring!

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