I guess you can say I’m a bit odd. That’s fine. I’ll be okay; just a bit lonely without him. 50% Male 50% Female (what the heck?)
- Joined February 2019
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 7 House Points
- 1st Year

Alby Odin Osborn
Age: 11
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 89 pounds
Species: Human
Pronouns: They/Them/Their
Sexuality: Pansexual
Biological Gender: Male
Preferred Gender: Non-Binary
I’m a small kid honestly. Not in the “oh you’re so short” spectrum but more of the “oh my gosh you need to eat” spectrum. I don’t actually need to eat. You see, I have a fast metabolism so I burn calories really fast and ugh. Let’s just say, I’m tall and lanky? Does that work? I guess? I do have a very feminine body features so I do have a tendency to cross dress, please don’t judge me.
Patronus: Basilisk
Animagus: Basilisk (Unregistered for good reasons)
Amortentia: Boyfriend’s sweatshirt, Strawberries, and Cigarettes
Mirror of Erised: Warren
My boyfriend... I haven’t seen him in...a long time. Most people believe he’s dead but...but I’m still holding onto hope you know? He used to wear this ring all the time... I plan on wearing it till I see him again because... we were betrothed at birth. Yes, a “gay couple” betrothed at birth. God I miss him. I often wear his clothes so please... let me be.... please.
Warren’s Betrothal Ring:

Alby’s Betrothal Ring:

PJ #1

PJ #2

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Outfit #3

Boyfriend’s Sweatshirt (He wore a lot of girls clothes too; girls clothes just fit us better okay?):



Broomstick: Demon Z, custom made black wood
Wand: Black wood, 17 inches, Phoenix tail feather, unyielding flexibility
Fun Facts:
- Legillamance and Occulumance
- Parselmouth

Secondary Character:
Warren Lindsay Griffin
Age: 11
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 97 pounds
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay (Pan?)
Gender: Genderfluid
God, I’m sorry babe. I’ve been away for so long and everyone thinks I’m dead. I left you to suffer without me and I’m sorry. But I’m coming back. I love you.
Patronus: Black Mamba
Animagus: Basilisk (Unregistered for good reason)
Amortentia: Watermelon Cucumber Perfume (Alby’s Favourite Perfume), Rain, Spearmint
Mirror of Erised: Alby
I can’t wait to finally see you again. It’s been so long, I can’t wait to see your perfect smile. I can’t wait to braid more flowers into your hair. I found a few more baby pink wild flowers, your favourite ones.
PJ #1

PJ #2

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Outfit #3

Broomstick: Firebolt, Custom Red Wood (Warren, you’re so classy)
Wand: Ash Wood, 15 inches, Phoenix Tail feather, Surprisingly Swishy Flexibility
Hope to see you soon...