Anastasia Flair


  • Joined February 2019
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


As any other student at Hogwarts, I was beyond excited when I received my acceptance letter to the wonderful school. I was coming from a strong, pureblood family filled with members of Slytherin and Gryffindor. My family held great expectations for me. They wanted me to become a strong, fearless wizard, just as many of them had. They were disappointed when I was sorted into the house of the kind; Hufflepuff. While the result of the hat did not surprise me, for I was always proud to be helpful and loving towards those around me, I was surprised when I became known as my year's "hatstall." It had taken the hat a long time to decide my final house. It mumbled words about me being intelligent, someone who would do wondrfully in Ravenclaw, and also courageous, a protective friend that belonged in the house of Gryffindor. In the end, the hat declared that the strongest characteristics I presented were those commonly found in Hufflepuff. As of now, I am a year five. I have done everything I can to learn as much as possible and grow in my attempts to become a Prefect, and Head Girl one day. I am much more advanced than most my of my peers, as I practice magic quite a lot before being accepted into school. (Shh, no one is supposed to know that.) I also participated in the battle against He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Together, all of this has grown me into the young witch I am today. My strengths are of course my ability to learn and cast spells quickly and efficiently, and my ability to calm beasts of any classification very easily. My weaknesses are that I am usually much too empathetic to hurt other people, and I'm not very good with potions. I love Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology class, and hope to one day become a Magizoologist to continue studying the things I love so much.

Books Authored by Anastasia Flair

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