
☆ f o r t u n a ☆

i feel stupid (stupid) ugly (ugly)

  • Joined January 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 28 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


☆ b a s i c s ☆

name: Icarus P. Grace
nickname: Carrie, Icky (so fondly named by her brother)
gender: female
fc: Zendaya
blood status: Pureblood
age: 17
year: 7th
d.o.b: Februrary 14th
height: 5'3"
nationality: British.
sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual
significant other: None

☆ m a g i c ☆

school: Hogwarts
house: Slytherin
wand: Sycamore, Dragon heartstring core, 14 inches, Slighty springy
patronus: Kingfisher
amortentia: old books, strawberries, and the ocean.
mirror of erised: Captain of Chudley Cannons Quidditch team.
boggart: Giant spider
pet: None
favorite class: Potions

☆ a p p e a r a n c e ☆

skin color: Tan
eye color: dark brown
hair color: dark brown
hair type: curly
hair length: midback

☆ b a c k g r o u n d ☆

good traits: Icarus is intelligent and thoughtful, noticing details in others that most people don't. She's highly skilled in Quidditch. She's deeply rooted in her beliefs and is protective of people she knows closely.
bad traits: She tries to be perfect, often throwing herself into difficult situations by trying to prove herself to someone. She's too trustworthy, blunt to others she doesn't know well, and often ignores her friends to perfect an aspect of something. She can be unintentionally rude to others.
disorders: Icarus has ADD, and is bipolar.
handedness: Ambidextrous
talents: Icarus is skilled at writing (practically anything), and can play piano.

☆ r u l e s ☆

Please, good grammar.
No astericks
One liners are okay, just not a bunch.
Add angst, because why not?
Don't speak for me.
Tell me if I'm making it boring, I'll fix it.
!!Ask before making it a romance!!
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