✿ I may never be your hero but I think I'd like to try
- Joined December 2018
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
╔═══════════════════════════╗✿Name: Briar Song Rose
✿Age: 16
✿Gender: Female
✿Sexuality: Bisexual
☼ Briar grew up in a pureblood household, so she is very familiar with the wizarding world, but muggles and their world is a whole new world for her. She is familiar with a few things, but other than that, she doesn't know much. She had a pretty simple and nice childhood, but grew up without many friends. Mostly because she was too busy spending time in the forests that were outside of her childhood home. She often found herself talking and "making friends" with the plants and animals outside, which even the wizarding kids around her age thought. Briar is unsure weather she can really communicate with the animals and creatures she finds, but they always seem to respond to her no matter what. ☼
✿House: Hufflepuff
✿Year: 6th
✿Blood Status: Pureblood
✿Patronous: Arctic Hare
☼ Once she got to Hogwarts, she started to embrace her oddities and actually found friends through letting herself be her true self. Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, as they are all about her favorite things, nature and animals. She's not the best in all of her classes, but she definitely is in the top as she tries her hardest to succeed in everything she does, even if she's not particularly the best in that subject. ☼
✿Personality: She's your average cute and kind Hufflepuff. She enjoys talking to new people and making friends. Not only is she kind to every human she comes across, she's also kind to every part of nature she meets as well.
☼ If you want to interact, don't be afraid to! Both the admin and Briar are very friendly and don't bite! ☼
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