Solomon Beaumont

Transfer Student

I'll probably get kicked out of hogwarts too let's be real

  • Joined November 2018
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


- Full Name: Solomon Viktor Beaumont
-Birthday: Nov/22
-Birth place: New Orleans
-Sexuality: Bi-romantic Asexual
-Relationship: Single
-Blood: Half-blood
-School history: Kicked out of ilvermorny in his 5th year before coming to hogwarts.
-House: Slytherin (Ex-Wampus)
-Strong points: Alchemy, potions and Transfiguration
-Patronous: Hyena
-Accent: New orleans accent, he usually gets picked on for it which is how he got so good at jinx's.
-Hair: Long messy curly brown hair that usually finds it's way to cover his face somehow, though when he's in class or working with potions he pulls his hair back into a ponytail or bun.
-Eyes: Almost a green-brown hidden under dark long lashes.
-Height: 6'3"
-Body type: Slim/Toned, mainly just climbing all the stairs and running around keeps him balanced from all the junk food he eats.
-Family: Evelyn Beaumont (Mother/Witch/unknown), Jacob Beaumont (Father/Muggle/Deceased), Cara Beamont (Little sister/witch/deceased), Argole Flintwreist (Adoptive father./Wizard/Alive)
-Likes: Collecting weird things like bones, taxidermy, specimen preservation, learning about different types of witchcraft, making potions, staying up at night, junk food and candy, sneaking into the forbidden forest, getting himself into trouble.
-Dislikes: Getting caught, brushing his hair, sleeping at decent hours, being told what to do, being like everyone else.

-Personality: Solomon is a bit of a weirdo since he didn't really grow up around a ton of people other than his family given they pretty much lived in the swamp lands. He can seem a bit hard headed and stubborn at times but once you get to know him he's actually a very loyal and charming guy to have around. He's always had a fascination with the dark arts but he'd never use it, at least not with ill intent, just like his fascination with the old magics everyone seemed to forget about.

-Backstory: Solomon grew up in the bayous of Louisiana with his parents and little sister, since wizard and muggle relationships are still pretty taboo where they were living out in the swamps seemed to be the only place they could all live in peace and have enough freedom to practice their magic without a muggle seeing it. His mother always had an interest in muggles so when she found solomon's father who had a pretty keen interest in anything pagan, voodoo or hoodoo, she practically married him on spot. Things were good until his mom started getting more and more into the dark arts without anyone else knowing, all it took was one touch of a spellbound book and she'd managed to kill the only other two family members solomon had left before she seemed to snap out of whatever spell she was under and fled out of fear of being taken to azkaban. After that solomon was adopted by a pretty unconventional potions master his mom used to be classmates and good friends with, he was frankly pretty batshit crazy but he took care of solomon and had no problem shipping him off to hogwarts for snape to deal with after he kept getting in trouble at ilvermorny.

(FC: jack pililaau)
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