♧ jayla ♧


try harder. do better. work harder. eat more. exercise more. do more and never get credit for it. you push yourself, why? why not just end it already!

  • Joined October 2018
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


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name jayla (jay for short, if you wish)
age give me a good reason to tell you.
sexuality extremely bi
sex female, in case youre that stupid
relationship status single pringle.

a spider lives inside my head
who weaves a strange and wondrous web
of silken webs and silver strings
to catch all sorts of things,
like crumbs of thought and bits of smiles
and specks of dried up tears
and dust of dreams that catch and cling
for years and years and years.

spider, by shel silverstine

i am nothing. i will never be anything. i’m a waste of time. i’m depressed. there’s no fixing me.

i tend to be a bit spicy and salty at times, i can lash out on you, I will swear if I please. i’m annoying, rude, and mean. why are you here, anyways?


to anonymous,

‘girl, you’re amazing just the way you are.”

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