Amelia Turner


  • Joined October 2018
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Ireland



-The Turners (Amelia’s father)

The Turner’s are an upperclass family from the midlands of the Republic of Ireland. The family were some of Voldemort’s most loyal servers, willing to do anything he requested. The family believed that they were superior to Muggleborns and refused to interact with anyone less than a pure-blood or a death eater. Her grandparents, Luther and Evangeline, were sentenced to life in Azkaban after the First Wizarding War for their dedication and service to the Dark Lord. Her father, Bennett, lived a lonely childhood. He lived with his grandmother, Victoria, who never paid much attention to him and he was free to roam the halls of large manor, that Bennett inherited after her death. Bennett followed in the footsteps of his parents, he too becoming a Death Eater, reuniting with his parents when they escaped Azkaban under Voldemort’s reign. Bennett never took part in the Second Wizarding War, his parents demanding that he guarded the manor. Luther and Evangeline were both killed by the order during the battle.

-The Dubois (Amelia’s mother)

The Dubois are a middle-class pureblood family that reside in Bordeaux, France. Her grandparents, Malik and Emelié, were kindred spirits who only wanted the best for their two children. Camille, Amelia’s mother, lived a simple life, believing in equality for all, much different to how Amelia’s father lived. Unfortunately, Malik died when Camille was eleven years old, which affected her more than she would show. The family remains in France to this day.


Her parents Bennett Turner and Camille Dubois met during their fourth year in school. Her father was a student in Hogwarts while her mother was in Beauxbatons. They met when heer father found her mother crying at the Black Lake on the night of the Yule Ball. Her father didn't bother going to the ball and her mother got stood up by her date, some boy from Durmstrang. Bennett immediately fell for Camille and the pair danced until the sun rose on the edge of the Black Lake, even though there was no music. The two continued a long distance relationship until Camille moved to Ireland to be with Bennet after the Wizarding War.


A few years later, after Bennett and Camille married, they decided they wanted a child. On May 2nd, their wish was granted and Camille and Bennett welcomed a beautiful, baby girl into the world. They named her Amelia after Camilles late sister. The two couldn't have been happier.


Unfortunately, the happieness didn't last long. Amelia's mother was diagonosed with an uncurable disease. Amelia was four at the time. Camille died in her sleep with Amelia by her side the whole time. After the death of her mother, Amelia was confused and angry. It was a lot of her to take in. Her father tried to console her but the girl just couldn't understand why her mother was taken from her. Amelia let the anger take over her and caused many valuable antiques in her home to break with a scream. It was her anger and fustration that sparked her powers.


Amelia was never particularly close with her father. Amelia's mother raised her to believe that everyone was equal while her father believed that purebloods were the supriors in the wizarding world. Whatever was left of her and her father's relationship deteriorated when he married a wealthy, Spanish heiress named Paula Mendez. Amelia didn't and still doesn't get along with Paula. Paula has the same beliefs as Amelia's father which leads to many disagreements in their home. Along with Paula came with her son Carlos. He was a carbon copy of his mother.


Books Authored by Amelia Turner

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