Mia Isherwood

Hogwarts Student

“It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― Albus Dumbledore

  • Joined August 2018
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Slovakia


Full name: Miriam Isherwood (RealLife: Ivánová)
Nickname: Mia
Age: 15.8.2002
Wand: Maple wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ¾" and Supple flexibility
Patronus: Fox
About me:
Mia- my name is, happy to meet you. I was sorted into the Hufflepuff, the house with the cutest name and with my favourite colour - yellow. I really like to meet new people. Everyone is so diffirent from the other, and that makes everyone special. I really love my friends and my family. If I could, I would hug the whole world. I love cooking and baking, that´s why I always bring muffins with me. My favourite class is Herbology (little Mandragoras are so cute, loud, but cute) and Care of Magical Creatures. I´m a muggleborn, but I´m not the only one wizard in our family. I have two sisters and one brother, and they are wizards too. All my siblings are older than me and were in diffirent houses. My sisters were in Gryffindor, and my brother was in Ravenclaw. We have 6 dogs and one cat. They are all so cute. When I grauduate, I would love to become a Magizoologist. I have four best friends, Sofia, Sissi, Patricia and Ali. Sofia is Hufflepuff, Sissi and Ali are Slytherin and Patricia is Ravenclaw. But I have friends in all houses. i love world, nature and everyone who is nice to me. Love you~

Books Authored by Mia Isherwood

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