

  • Joined August 2018
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 42 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Sri Lanka


I am 12. My favorite houses in order are: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Griffyndor and Slytherin tie. My hobbies are playing games on my laptop, reading book series and eating chocolate. My favorite snack is brownies and ice cream and I hate beetroot and cockroach clusters. My favorite magical snack is Bertie Bott's every flavor beans (except for the bad ones). I am 40 percent Hufflepuff and 30 percent Ravenclaw, 10 percent Griffyndor and another 10 percent Slytherin. i believe that true strength of character is when you come out of every problem, either victorious or slumped in defeat, you take a lesson with you. My favorite book series are, Magnus Chase, The Trials of Apollo, Heroes of Olympus and of course, Harry Potter.

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