For your safety, it seems mine must be compromised.I tell you my story, not to scare you, but to waarn you of what is coming. Welcome to my life.
- Joined August 2018
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: Elira MaraAge: 16 years of age
Ellie (Gamora and everyone who desires to call me this.)
Lyria (Thanos and Loki)
Anything anyone else wants to call me.
Father is unknown/ Thanos is adoptive father.
Mother is Eris-the goddess of grief and discord.
Height: 5'5
Eyes are a deep blue.
Hair is waist length, wavy and chocolate brown.
A bit to herself so it takes a while for her to warm up to people. She's fierce and loyal. Tends to be a bit sarcastic.
Overall, a nice girl until you piss her off.
Can feel the grief of those around her.
Can draw the grief from others.
Shield of grief: Makes others feel grief and sorrow.
Can leech discord from the air
Can also sow discord among her enemies.
Superspeed from Hermes