Cindy Elwyn


I'm still learning.

  • Joined July 2018
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I grew up in Scotland. I never inherited the accent, as both of my parents are from London, so not a lot of people believe me when I say I lived there. We moved to London when I was six, for unknown reasons at the time.

I always knew magic existed. My parents come from pure-blood families, and they're expertly gifted at their craft. They didn't necessarily use their magic for good...they used their gift to create poisons and deadly curses to get back at old enemies. They killed 8 witches and wizards between them, and they were going to kill more. That's why I turned them in, when I was nine years old. They're now serving life in Azkaban. They begged for the death sentence, but now they're suffering a worse fate.

I owe my life to the Ministry Of Magic. After the ordeal, they sent me to the home of a childless couple to live with for a few weeks while they sorted a more permanent home for me. During those few weeks, I realised that this couple were more loving parents than my real ones, and they requested that I stay with them indefinitely. From then, William and Jane Elwyn became my real ones.

William, my father, is a Healer. He has worked for nearly eleven years to brew a concoction to allow barren women to have their own children. He previously wanted to brew it for Jane, my mother, but he said that I was everything they wanted...he now wants to help other people. He has not been successful yet, but still persists. His determination is what started my dream to become a Healer.

I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter on my eleventh birthday, and was sorted into Ravenclaw. It was the best seven years of my life, and I didn't want to leave. The funny thing is...I didn't!

In fourth year, I broke my leg during a Quidditch match. I was the Beater for the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team at the time. Madam Pomfrey, who worked at the Hospital Wing, helped me out and gladly answered my many questions about how medicine worked in the wizarding world and how many healing spells and potions there are. After I was healed, she asked me if I wanted to help her out from time to time at the weekend...perhaps become her assistant. I happily accepted.

In fifth year, I quit Quidditch, and worked Friday night through to Sunday afternoon at the Hospital Wing. I got given five Sickles each week from Madam Pomfrey, out of her own wages, which I was very grateful for. She was like the Grandmother I never had.

After her death in Seventh Year, a substitute came to work at the Hospital Wing. She was nice, but it just wasn't the same. I still have the final five Sickles that Madam Pomfrey gave to me, and I never intend to spend them.

When I graduated, I asked Headmistress Professor McGonagall about giving me the position as Hogwarts Healer. I didn't want to leave the grand castle, and I felt like it was the right starting point for the career I wanted. She wasn't so sure I could handle it on my own, and took it upon herself to get me a trainer. I told her I already had one...

I and William now work at the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Jane is working as a barmaid at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. William isn't planning on staying long, but for now I'm in a great place. Healing sick or injured students brings me so much joy. I am also doing some extra studies at the same time, as I want my education and learning to continue for as long as it can.

There are still new discoveries that have yet to be uncovered, and new healing spells to create and revise. A Healer's future is a curious one, which what makes it all the more special.

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