∆Love yourself, and eventually your love will evolve and eat everyone!∆ XP
- Joined June 2018
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Hi there! Welcome to me wall!∆ My full name is Katherine Rheys Salem.
∆ I tend to be the happy, yet sometimes fiery type.
∆ I enjoy singing, running, and talking with friends long into the night!
∆ I have brown, curly hair, and gray-blue eyes.
∆ I like RPing, but if you don't put effort into it,
I may not respond.
∆ I am always up for making new friends!
∆ Also, I only will follow you if I truly enjoy your content!
∆ I'm straight, but not homophobic. I'm attracted to men.
Well, take it easy!