Jem Major

Cool as a Cucumber

Yo. Basically, my philosophy is: I'm me, and no one else, and no one else is me.

  • Joined June 2018
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I was separated from my twin sister at birth. My parents didn't even know I existed until recently. Don't ask me how they didn't notice. Let's just say: they're not the most switched on people. It runs in the family, if you've ever met my twin... or me.
So, I lived with some random people for about ten years of my life. They weren't my parents, I always knew- they told me that themselves. But... I prefer not to think about them.
At one stage, I decided I'd better leave that family. So I ran away. I lived with my friend Clarence for awhile, and my other friend Ted at some other time. I don't know how long it was. A while. One day, Ted introduced me to his cousin Grace, whose friend Eira was with her. Maybe it's a twin thing- I don't really get it- but I just knew it. Eira was my sister. She must've known it too because she got all happy and started crying, then rushed me back home to meet our parents and younger sister, Carson. That was a weird experience.
But in the end, I resumed my place in my biological family, and enjoyed it a lot more than my previous life. My parents are kind of off with the faeries, Carson is ridiculously intelligent, and Eira is always complaining. The Major's laugh a lot. Even Carson, sometimes. That's the family in a nutshell.
Me? My parents say I'm a blessing. My teachers say I'm a nuisance. Carson says I'm her brother (uh... yeah... and?). Ted says I'm a trouble maker. Clarence says I'm fun. Eira says I'm her best friend. Personally, I don't know. Nor do I care. You'll have to work it out yourself. Get to know me if you want to know me. Because, by my calculations, I'm just me.

Ok, so that's my character, this is me:
I believe that you can't judge a person too slowly. Get to know them and hang around a while before deciding what they're like.
I like to see the positive, but I'm far from an optimist. How about we say I'm a realist who prefers to dream?
I am a casual otaku, if you don't know what that means, I am very disappointed in you.
All in all, I'm a pretty arrogant toss. I'm not sporty, I'm not smart, I'm not good-looking, but I do have an excellently sized ego. Confidence is everything, and I can't say I lack that.
I'm not straight. I'm not gay. I'm not really... well, I'm definitely not aesexual, but I don't really get sexualities too well. Basically, I know you all love me, feel free to do so.
I don't mean to offend people, it just sort of happens. I won't often say sorry for it, because I don't often realise it. Also, I won't say sorry if I'm not wrong. I'm not often wrong (reminding you about my ego there).
But, still, what holds true for both my character and me- if you wanna know me, know me. You don't- don't. I'm me and you're you, and it's idiotic pretending otherwise.
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