Vega Arya Eastchurch

Aspiring Herby/Potioneer

  • Joined May 2018
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 138 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


The Sorting Hat placed me in Hufflepuff - however, this was not necessarily what I had anticipated. I grew up assuming I would be in Slytherin, because I saw a lot of SLytherin traits within myself, but not ones I particularly liked about myself. Like my self-preservation at other's expenses, and using my cunning for bad and manipulating people to get what I want instead of using my cunning for good. i always assumed I would be Slytherin. Then, I heard a theory that the Sorting Hat placed you in the house whose characteristic and traits you VALUED, not the traits you exemplified. And I thought this was beautiful. And so, I was placed in Hufflepuff House. after a bit of a Hatstall as the hat sorted out the scrambled mess in my mind.

I very much enjoy Potions and Herbology and I always have. I have a fair interest in Charms and Care of Magical Creatures, but absolutely no desire to study History of Magic or Astronomy. Just none. I'm dreading it already. Potions and Herbology, though, I could not tell you how excited I am!

My parentage is unknown. My father is definitely a Muggle, but as I don't know my mother and my father was clueless to magic until I received my letter, my mother could be a witch or a Muggle or a squib or a vampire, for as much as dad and I know. I do have a sneaking suspicion that she was a witch, though, because I was not ignorant to magic the way most Muggle-borns may be. I had a neighbor, growing up, that did not keep the Wizarding World a secret from me; I suspect she was a true friend of my mother's, though my neighbor won't confirm or deny this. She took me under her wing. My blood status (or unknown blood status) has not much affected me since I haven't really been exposed to situations where it would come up.

My greatest strengths are my empathy, work ethic, and ability to express thoughts and emotions. My greatest weaknesses are greed, overcritical, and decision-making.

After I graduate, I'd like to work and collaborate with St. Mungo's as a researcher, to help expand our magical healing abilities using herbology and potions. Ideally, I'd like to eventually retire young and open and operate my own greenhouse/apothecary/potions store and sell organic, home-grown/made ingredients and potions.

Whether or not I use magic selfishly or selflessly is yet to be determined. My GOAL is to use my magica selflessley. But I haven't always proven the most giving, other-centered person. But I am trying.

I have a gray cat with green eyes named Stormi. She's wonderful, but also a bit of a classic-cat-jerk. She enjoys pushing my water cups off the nightstand and chewing Muggle electronic appliance cords.

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