I'm am the son of He Who Must Not Be Named. And I have come to destroy Hogwarts once and for all.
- Joined March 2018
- Member of Slytherin
- 4 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
My name is Cain Riddle, son of Tom Riddle. I am here to become friends with others, and to find something to do when bored.Age:16
Hair and Eyes:Black
Animagus: Giant Serpent
Friends: Look at my profile
Who am I dating: Cho ❤️
Major friends: A lot, but the ones I can think of off the top of my head are… Kayla Annalise Potter, Hermione Jean Potter, Allison Jackson, and Justis Thain. (Although he is my arch nemesis, and awesome bro in real life.)
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