“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”
- Joined February 2018
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
I was smoking my pipe, i had just left the living room where my family and i were celebrating that my N.E.W.T.s results had finally came. I had achieved outstanding marks in defence against the dark arts, potions, charms and herbology, managing to get Exceeds Expectations in all my other subjects. As i lighted my pipe i imagined myself finally as a Healer which had been my dream for years. Then suddenly, i heard a series of loud bangs in the living room, as I grabbed my wand I heard loud voices, i ran to the door and as i was entering the living room i saw five death eaters that were duelling my uncle and my father while my mom lied on the floor blood dripping from her mouth. I shouted -Mom!! and a death eater saw me and pointed his wand and a jet of red light flew to me, but my father, as fast as lightning, conjured a shield in front of me, but the force of the spell threw me backwards. As i fell i saw how the death eaters attacked my father while he was protecting and doing so leaving my uncle alone who consequently fell, but just before the spell hit him he turned the rug i was gonna fall on into a portkey.Years later after having joined the auror department (to avenge my family) i watched as the ministry denied the fact that You-Know-Who had risen again and that the death eaters that had murdered my family had scaped Azkaban. So I resigned my job as an auror and left to hunt death eaters on my own.