Siyenna Lenore Willow


  • Joined January 2018
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Siyenna Lenore Willow was a student who attended Hogwarts at the same time the Marauders did. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, pleasing her wizard mother and her Muggle father. She always knew she was different because she could speak to birds. A week before she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter, she realized that she could transform into any bird she desired. She kept this a secret from everyone, but as she grew closer to the Marauders, specifically Sirius Black, she revealed her skill. Before she was close friends with them, however, she was constantly annoyed at the boys for their cruelness to Severus Snape and often got into heated debates with Sirius, having the same level of stubbornness as he. Siyenna was also left cleaning up after the Marauder's pranks and mischief, but she was exceptionally kind to Remus Lupin. She understood his fear of rejection for having an animal side.

Siyenna was a witty girl who excelled in Care of Magical Creatures (for obvious reasons), Potions, and Charms. She always knew what to say at the right moment and had no tolerance for unjust or mean actions. She would stick up for anyone who was treated unfairly, despite if that person was a friend or foe.

Her Patronus was a raven and her boggart was to be mute or unable to express herself. Her wand was eleven inches with a Hippogriff feather core. It was made of willow wood with a moss-like handle.

She was part of the Slug Club, being a favorite student of Slughorn, and attended a dance he had hosted for his members in her seventh year. She was originally going to attend alone, but Sirius convinced her after a long argument to take him with her, his excuse being that Lily had taken James and he "wanted to be there as a wingman for his best mate", an excuse that Siyenna saw through instantly. She wore a midnight blue gown adorned with feathers and small flecks of silver for the dance.

Siyenna had dark blue eyes and pitch-black hair that reached her shoulder-blades. She had an average body type and a medium cool skin tone. She loved to read and write and was looking forward to becoming an author before the Wizarding War began and Sirius was sent to Azkaban. Siyenna did write some poetry, but only a few of her pieces were salvaged when her apartment was destroyed. She remained with the Order of the Phoenix but was often outside of headquarters sending messages or spying on suspicious behavior.
Siyenna was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts when she was dragged underneath the Great Lake by an unknown Death Eater. She had no known children or other family members.

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