- Joined January 2018
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 42 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
Hello there, I'm Jazzy Lovegood ( Luna Lovegood's daughter) I'm a first year at Hogwarts! I was recently sorted into my house. I desperately wanted to be a Ravenclaw and to my surprise I was! My mother( Luna Lovegood) was a Ravenclaw beacuse she was unique yet intelligent. I'm glad to be following in her footsteps! The only problem with being a Ravenclaw, is that we have to answer a riddle to get into the common room! I have enjoyed being at Hogwarts but I especially enjoy Potions, Charms and Defence Against The Dark Arts class! I dont really enjoy herbology and Astronomy but I will learn to love them. I also have a familiar, mine is a Siamese Cat called Socks! Socks is not as intelligent as me, but I love him with all my heart!That's all you need to know about me, I hope You learned a lot! Thanks for reading this, goodbye!
Jazzy Lovegood!