Bleh I don't know~
- Joined January 2018
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
As I received my letter that faithful day...nah I'm not having that shit backstory..
By the way guys if you haven't read my
name (Literally if you haven't your a fucker xD) than I'm Kacey Graves..
Ahem, if I call you a fucker than don't
be's a good thing..
to me..xD
Also if you haven't noticed I like to cuss.
But I do it while looking great..
I'm sexy as fuck.
Love me?
~I'm serious, shut up~
Any who...
I'm Kacey Graves..
Kacey Rita Graves..
I had to read a lot of other people's backstories
just to create mine
I know shhhh
If you prefer you may call me these names:
Kacey Graves
Sexy (Ego bursting fucker)
Ego Bursting Fucker
The Golden Child
The Phenomenal one..
You know how I said I'm sexy?
Yeah I'm not, I'm insecure that's for sure.
I can change from time to time..
Bad Kacey
High Kacey
Jolly Kacey
Bitchy Kacey
Romantic Kacey
Ape Kacey
eh you get it..
With all seriousness I'm really straight up. I say what
I want and if you don't agree good for you. I like the
indoors, I love Pit Bulls..I'm very sneaky, like I can hide a lot of things.
.I think I am humble, but me probably saying
that probably makes me not humble..right?
Y'know, why describe it when I can just show you??!
Time is precious asf..

So this is a display of a T Rex, if you want to see me than
owl me..jk jk i'm the ugly dino up derrr.

so like the first picture is uglyyyy so yup love yaaa
I was scrolling through the Dash, seeing people use asterisks..
Like no..
Uh uh hun, asterisks are a no.
My brother said I don't look bisexual and I said..
"Boii if I said you don't look like a man you are going to go ape shit on me,
but your lucky you don't have a sister like that"
I have a brother and a daddy and a mommy,
they love me and I love dem. I'm derrr wittle princess.
Fuck that shit. Ima fuggin peasant if im going to be anything..
Other Not So Important Things About Me:
I'm bisexual if you didn't read above and skipped to this part.
I seem so chill but I'm actually really not..
Your probably thinking:
"Why is she a Ravenclaw"
Boii I listen to pottermore so yup..
and I actually do pretty well in school so yah
stfu don't judge me..
As far as RP terms..
If your starting-
more than a sentence, detail, no asterisks, average grammar..
Whats a social life?
A lot of things, more than 134 tbh..
Music, animals, emo culture etc..
Oh and I love mango..give me a mango and I'll literally ALL HALE you..
Thanks for reading loves,