Esmeralda McSign

Ex-Death Eater/Beater

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 14 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


When I was young my parents were killed in front of my sister and I. We were sent to live with a foster family and go on with our lives as normal witches. When we went to Hogwarts I became the first ever Slytherin in my house, found a quick love for magical creatures, and slowly started to read all the books in the library. By 7th year I had become torn between being a student and the past events of last year. Since I had a close relationship with Draco, I ropped into being and Death Eater. Now I am back at Hogwarts ruling again as the Princess of Slytherin while trying to ingore the danger of my past. Oh and I forgot to mention my alter ego is wanted for the illegal trade of magical creatures.

Books Authored by Esmeralda McSign

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