Benjamin Kirschmaier


Benjamin | 11 | lycanthrope the most important things in my life are books and boys.

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


I've recently received my first ever Hogwarts Letter - something I have not been entirely certain I would ever obtain. My parents both went to Hogwarts as children, and after graduating and settling down in eastern Germany, they had me. However fate was not on my parent's side. I was bit during a by an unregistered werewolf (whose status remains unknown) and have since struggled with lycanthropy from the age of 5. My family thus moved to Canada, where they believed I would have a better environment to grow up in as a young lycanthrope.

I absolutely love animals, as well as reading and history. I think I'd like to go into law, but my parents say I can do anything I put my mind to, so I'm not deadset on anything yet! All I know is that I'm overjoyed to be here, thankful I've gotten this opportunity, and can not wait to learn as much as I can!

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