Donna Sheridan

Hey I'm Donna. After graduating college I seperated from my two best friends heading ti Kalokairi. The villa was given to me by an old lady who died

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Greece



Basic information

First Name: Donna
Last name: Sheridan
Nicknames: Give her some
Age: 19 ((Depending on rp))
Date of Birth: May 23 1969
Origin: United States

Donna is an averaged sized girl. Usually in bohemian styled clothing. She has brown eyes and curly blonde hair. Her skin is quite fair. Her hair is either up in a clip or down. Donna is also a skinny girl but not too skinny. Donna hates wearing dresses but won’t mind wearing long skirts. She is more comfortable in denim over all’s.

Donna is quite a loving and caring person. She would never let any of her friends or family get hurt no matter what. It also makes her very protective of them as well. She is quite the believer as well in love at first sight. Donna is also very hardworking and determined and would hate to do stuff last minute. When you first meet her she is a little shy at first but a very nice person over all. Donna is also the adventurous type and would love to go anywhere in the world to make memories she will never forget and write them in her diary. She also cares a lot about nature and animals.

Magical Information:
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Ilvermony house: Pukwudgie
Wand: 12 1/2 inches
Cherry wood
Unicorn hair
A little Flexible
Blood: Mudblood
Boggart: Bellatrix Lestrange
Patronus: Chestnut Stallion

Mom (Alive)
Dad (Alive)
Siblings: Unknown

Love Life:
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Status: Single
Former Partners: Sam Charmichael
Bill Anderson
Harry Bright


At the age of 12 her mother let her go to the American school of witchcraft and wizardry, Ilvermony. She went there from 1st year to 6th until at that age she told her parents she wanted to see the world. She convinced them to let her go but she had to finish her education so she transfers over to Hogwarts and finished her education. A year after graduation day Donna decided to move to a Greek island called Kalikairi to make even more memories and settle there. She always thought the scenery was so beautiful. Her first love she met was James Barnes. Donna was running the hotel on the island during this time as it was handed down to her from the sick old lady that had it. She took the relationship far but then Bucky had to leave out to find this guy. Months after that Bill turned up on the island where she fell in love with him and they ended up dating until he also had to leave and go back home to England. After Bill it was harry she dated next until he left then finally Sam Charmichael was really one she fell for. He stayed on the island for a while until he confessed that he was engaged to be married and went home to get married leaving Donna heartbroken and eventually pregnant in her twenties. She gave birth to a girl name Sophie and raised her on the island.

ABBA, adventuring, singing, dancing, planting, helping animals, working at the hotel.

Rude people, death eaters, people her harm her friend and family, being heartbroken.

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