Harley Potter


Ouch! My scar is hurting. Apparently Voldemort has risen again from the dead, let me know if you think you've seen him with the place. We're looking.

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Hello there! My name is Harley Potter, child to Ginny Weasley Potter and Harry Potter. I am currently in my 1st year and already seeker for Gryffindor. Look, I know first years aren't allowed to play Quidditch, but it happened to my father and anyways, it wasn't my fault. I was hanging out with my BFFs (Darla Enoch, Francesca and Georgia Weasley and Lily Malfoy) and Hagrid at his hut when my Philosopher's ring (Has the ability to make the wearer immortal) was caught in a gust of wind. I found a broomstick randomly laying somewhere so I grabbed it and chased after it. I caught it luckily, in front of Professor Neville Longbottom - he used to be friends with my father, and he killed Nagini - he called me to his office only making me seeker! Ginny and Harry were so good, they are my inspiration! How cool is that? After that, I learnt not to remove your magical ring in an outside area or room with open doors/windows. Well, just to make sure, I must confess I NEVER take off my ring, not even in bed. You know, what if someone opens the door if they want to go out, or they could be feeling boiling hot? You never know... Anyways, about the ring: so, in my father's first year, he and his friends, Ron and Hermione, were sure that Snape had been trying to steal something - The Philosopher's Stone! This is a magical item created by Nicholas Flamel has the ability to create a potion to make the drinker immortal. Harry battled Quirrel, possessed by Voldemort, somehow killing him using The Mirror Of Erised. Albus Dumbledore destroyed The Stone, yet five remains were scattered in different locations. Surprisingly, Filch told us to look in those five locations for a historical surprise; Room Of Requirement, (Mine), Quidditch Field, (Francesca's) The Fat Lady - Gryffindor Password Keeper passed it on, (Lily's) Slytherin Female Dorm, (Darla's) and Hufflepuff Common Room (Georgia's). We now have one each. Lily is my trustworthy sister, Francesca is my comedy-filled cousin, Georgia is my friendly cousin and Darla is my savage best friend who roasts bullies, there are none now! Francesca, Lily and I are Gryffindors, Georgia is a Hufflepuff and Darla is Slytherin but that doesn't keep us apart. Fact about me: I have the same exact scar as my dad on the other side of my forehead (From the ghost of Voldemort I later banished, I blocked using Protego (Shield).
So, that's all about me.
Harley Evans Potter

PS: It's true! Voldemort has risen from the dead once again. I can feel it, my scar... ouch! My besties and I are ready, ready to battle. If I have to sacrifice my life, I will. But surely, I won't. After all, my father didn't. I am preparec to die just in case; I won't if I don't have to!

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